Friday, August 14, 2009

Good things must be shared…

…and music must always be shared. Thus I give you two items recommended by friends:

George M. Cohan himself, doing that kinda loose-limbed dancing that Jimmy Cagney did in Yankee Doodle Dandy, and yes, appearing in blackface with his partner, the great “Schnozzola” Jimmy Durante, in the rarely seen 1932 movie The Phantom President. This is one of only two talking pictures featuring Cohan, and its wonderful tagline was “It’s nonsense and — I love it!”

And yet another piece of Shatner-iana: a techno remix of one of Bill’s serious monologues, this one about why men climb mountains, and why Captain Kirk loved them… a lot. It is indeed catchy.

Thanks to friends Rich Brown and John Walsh for the links.

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